This Wyoming Destination is Perfect for Outdoorsy Solo Travelers (…or anyone who loves the outdoors)

Title Photo Attire: Long underwear & Columbia fleece from ski jacket. (Shop Long Underwear & Base Layers | Shop Columbia Fleece Jackets) ) Solo travel can be a blast…or a real drag, and a lot depends on where you choose…

Where I Sleep: My $4 CRV Bed “Build”

I’m a strong believer that you rarely need as much as you think you do for travel or adventure activities. Case in point: I’ve spent the past month van-lifing in my Honda CRV (i.e. sleeping in it with an occasional…

Larissa’s Rules of the Road for Long Term Road Trips.

Stop in the Name of Burgers & BBQ.  If you are in a small town, or better yet, passing through an area with no cell reception that doesn’t even have a large enough population to have a name, and you see…

Photo Journal: Scenic Drives in the Canadian Rockies

On both my trips to Canada, driving has been difficult.  Not because of the road rules, the other drivers, or because the speed limit is in kilometers instead of miles, but because the scenery is so stunning that it makes it…


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