3 Low Cost and Free Digital Tools I Use to Manage by Business as a Remote Attorney

My law firm is a very small firm that operates remotely.  I use independent contractors to a limited degree but largely serve as the attorney, administrative assistant, marketer, and bookkeeper for the firm.  The nature of my firm makes having…

Listen to Me! No, literally. On the Happy Lawyer Project Podcast.

A lot of attorneys are unhappy. Too often attorneys accept their unhappiness as a natural, unchangeable part of being a lawyer. It’s not. Attorneys can be happy. How do I know? Because I am an attorney and I am happy. …

Remote Attorney FAQ: How do You Get Clients?

After this Nomad List article about my practice running a law firm remotely, I started getting e-mails from law students and other attorneys about my remote practice.  They ranged from “you go girl”* notes of encouragement to stories about their…

Three Inspiring Non-Traditional Attorneys

The legal profession is not exactly known for being progressive and the examples of “successful” attorneys that permeate the media tend to follow the traditional mold – wear suit, work in tall office building, work many hours, get paid handsomely,…


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