Freshbooks’ Newest Feature Makes it Easier and Cheaper for Freelancers and Small Businesses to Get Paid

For years, I had seen the letters “ACH” pop up – on bank account statements and as options when selecting how to make or receive a payment.  I figured that it was just something related to online payments that I…

Three Keys to Planning a Successful Digital Nomad Trip

Whether you are embarking on an open-ended digital nomad adventure or just giving work and travel a trial run on a one week trip, do these three things to make it the best experience possible. PAY ATTENTION TO INTERNET SPEED. …

Updates to the Digital Tools I Use to Run My Law Firm Remotely

As many of you know, I am a remote attorney.  I run a small law firm, Bold City Legal, PA, remotely from a comically small studio apartment in Encinitas, California (San Diego area) and coffee shops  and co-working spaces anywhere…

Simple Tips for Getting Work Done on Travel Days

Over the past five years, I’ve worked in a lot of different places including a water front taco shop in Seattle, a co-working space with flyswatters in Cambodia, my parents’ backyard porch, a beach in Vietnam (very unproductive), and of…


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