277 Articles24 Comments

Van Life Packing: Items I’ve Used, Shouldn’t Have Brought, and Will Buy

I’ve been on the road for just over two months, mostly van-life-ing it in my Honda CRV.  Along the way I’ve had a lot of “I’m so glad I brought this!” moments as well as quite a few “Why the F&*k…

This Wyoming Destination is Perfect for Outdoorsy Solo Travelers (…or anyone who loves the outdoors)

Title Photo Attire: Long underwear & Columbia fleece from ski jacket. (Shop Long Underwear & Base Layers | Shop Columbia Fleece Jackets) ) Solo travel can be a blast…or a real drag, and a lot depends on where you choose…


Jackson, Wyoming, often referred to by tourists as “Jackson Hole,” the name of the town’s most famous ski resort, abuts Grand Teton National Park so finding a hike nearby is not difficult.  Choosing a hike, however, can be, and in-park…

Where I Sleep: My $4 CRV Bed “Build”

I’m a strong believer that you rarely need as much as you think you do for travel or adventure activities. Case in point: I’ve spent the past month van-lifing in my Honda CRV (i.e. sleeping in it with an occasional…


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