Oh, the Places You Will Stay! Comparing Lodging Choices, US Edition.

I’m on day #16 without a permanent “home.” In the past sixteen days, I’ve slept in nine different cities and have tried a variety of lodging options. Here’s how they stack up, in my opinion, and heavily weighted for my…

A [Short] Walk in the Redwood Forest

I’m staying in San Jose, California and was going to go to nearby San Francisco today. But I just didn’t feel like it. San Francisco has been “on the list” since I moved to California 3.25 years ago but it…

On Luck (Part 1)

“You’re so lucky.” I’ve heard that phrase a lot over the past eleven days of this vagabonding adventure and in the planning leading up to it. And I am. I am lucky to be healthy enough to take this trip.…

Connecting the Dots…

In an often quoted commencement speech Steve Jobs advised: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to…


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