All aspects of the business and practical aspects of working remotely from digital nomad life to running a remote law firm.

I Woke Up in a Car…Solo Car Camping IN my Honda CRV

I spent 8 of the first 9 days of my solo, indefinite USA road trip sleeping in my car (my full travel journal here).  I’ve since spent some time reflecting on the experience and wanted to share some thoughts on why…

Nashville – I came, I saw, I Caffeinated

A few years ago, I had my sister do some Instagram research on coffee shops I could work out of while visiting her in Nashville, Tennessee.  She has a knack for that kind of research and did not steer me…

Freshbooks’ Newest Feature Makes it Easier and Cheaper for Freelancers and Small Businesses to Get Paid

For years, I had seen the letters “ACH” pop up – on bank account statements and as options when selecting how to make or receive a payment.  I figured that it was just something related to online payments that I…

Reflecting on 5 Years of Travel & Remote Work with Jet Set Bunny

The internet can be a black hole for time…but it’s not always a bad thing. Sometimes you click your way to real cool websites like Jet Set Bunny, a female focused website for ALL types of travelers. Luxury travelers, outdoor…


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