Insight, tips, resources and fun re: food, coffee, beer, cocktails, and travel lodging.

Seaside, Oregon: Craft Beer at the Beach

Seaside, Oregon is one of the closest beaches from Portland, Oregon.  It’s a classic beach town complete with arcade games, tourist focused clothing and art shops, a paved beach walk (the promenade), and even a merry-go-round.  Seaside, Oregon’s beer offerings, fortunately, are…

I Tried…Kava

Hey-o, welcome new section on here called, “I tried…”where I share something I’ve tried and how it went.  That’s it.  Simple concept.  I Tried Kava Kava.  Which means coffee in Ukrainian, so yeah,  I’ve tried that.  But I’ve also tried Kava Kava, a root from…

Two-Ingredient Car Camping Queso: Three Ways

When it comes to camping, I’m the person who brings indulgent snacks.  Everyone wants to give you a hard time when they first notice your snacks of choice, but you better believe those same people are asking you to “pass the…

Sort of Recipe: Cauliflower Chickpea Tacos

I’m working on building up my savings, and cooking at home is Saving Money 101. So, I’m cooking at home as much as possible. …and I’m doing it in the comically small studio I live in. I look at Pinterest…


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