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It’s 4:28PM Bangkok Time. 1:28AM San Diego, Cali time. 4:29PM East Coast Time. I’m not sure how many hours ago I left Los Angeles or how many hours I’ve actually slept since then. All I know is I’m fucking tired and my dreams of blow-drying my hair have once again been crushed.

I’m half-sitting, half-laying in bed drinking a Chang and typing this. I ate a Cup of Noodles Moo Manoa flavor (no clue what that means) a few m

First Day in Bangkok. Exhausted and showing it but also happy to be in a bed and done traveling for a few days.

inutes ago. Both items were purchased at the 7-11 next door that I passed on my 20-minute walk around the neighborhood.

Chang and Cup-o-Noodles in Bangkok? Wtf, right? And yet I feel NO GUILT. I don’t feel bad about not exploring more or getting Thai food or a Thai massage or doing anything authentic. I’m exhausted not leaving this lovely AirBnB or talking to anyone is exactly what I want to be doing. Tonight is just the first of six nights in Bangkok. I’ll have time to explore and eat.

This is the first time in my travels that I feel this way, not rushed, not having to think too much about plans for the next few days, and it is incredibly relaxing! (Or maybe that’s the beer kicking in)



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