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Hey-o, welcome new section on here called, “I tried…”where I share something I’ve tried and how it went.  That’s it.  Simple concept. 

I Tried Kava

Kava.  Which means coffee in Ukrainian, so yeah,  I’ve tried that.  But I’ve also tried Kava Kava, a root from the South Pacific Islands that is the national drink of Fiji.  

Kava has a rich history of being used in ceremonies for over 2,000 years!  It’s popular in Hawaii and increasingly in some parts of the continental US.  It is touted for its relaxing effects without the cognitive impairment, or hangovers, associated with alcohol.

Here’s How it Went

The first time I tried Kava, I tried this Yogi Kava tea, and I felt…nothing.  I mean, maaaayyyybe a wee bit relaxed, but nothing more than the usual relaxation that comes with sipping any tea at the end of the day.  (I’ve since heard that you should do tea bags for the “medicinal dose” but haven’t tried that)

A friend recommended that I try “the good stuff,” i.e. Kava from a Kava bar.  So, I stopped by Bula Kava House in Southeast Portland, Oregon and got a bowl of “the good stuff,” complete with a small bite of pineapple.  

The  “good” Kava tasted like dirt, and I’m not using metaphors.  Earthy is an understatement.  It tasted and looked like what I imagine dirt mixed with water tastes like. But it felt like calm.  Well, at first it felt like tingling lips and tongue (normal, don’t be alarmed), and then it felt like calm.  Not drunk or high, just comfortably calm.  

Would I Drink Kava Again?

Yes, I would and I have.  BUT I don’t make Kava a regular part of my routine because there is some uncertainty regarding whether and under what circumstances it can lead to liver damage.  I also only buy from the local Kava shop, not unknown online vendors, because I don’t know enough to properly vet the Kava sold online.

Learn More About Kava

I found these articles useful when trying to learn more about Kava, you might too:

Wikipedia: Kava
The Verge: Kava, with caveats: is this popular psychoactive tea bad for your liver?
VeryWellMind: The Health Benefits of Kava
The Kava Society: What’s the Right Amount of Kava?

Lawyer Larissa (me) would like to remind you that this is my true, honest, and unpaid opinion, but I am sharing for information purposes only.  I am not encouraging you to try anything and make no representations or warranties about any information contained herein.  Always consult your medical provider before trying new supplements.