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Last year had a lot of highs, but it was also a challenging year fraught with unexpected blows until the bitter end.  In the tougher moments, I looked for answers, for step-by-step plans to resolve whatever issues I was facing.  I looked to books, to quotes, to how-to-guides on the internet, to friends, and even to my horoscope. 

The thing is, sometimes there are solutions but sometimes there aren’t.  Sometimes you can find meaning in the difficulty but sometimes you can’t.  Sometimes you can find solace in the belief that what happened is for the best long term but sometimes you can’t.  Sometimes you just have to keep f&*$ing moving.

Climbing a mountain, is after all, not a singular action but a series of small steps forward, often through pain, repeated over and over again.  You just keep going forward, at whatever pace you can.  You force yourself to find some small sense of victory with each forward step, even when your progress pales in comparison to the path ahead of you.  You remind yourself that the pain will one day become a memory, not a feeling.  You trust in your own resilience.

And, eventually, without being able to identify the precise step when your perspective shifted, you will find that they have and that instead of looking ahead to how far you have to go, you find yourself looking back at how far you’ve come.